Hairstyles for Curly Haired Princesses

Hairstyles for Curly Haired Princesses

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Superbowl Pigtails

Superbowl Pigtails

The first thing I did for this hairstyle was part her hair down the middle, and put each side into a clip.

I took one side out of the clip, and took a small section in the front and put it into the pink elastic. I took a little bit of hair from the other side of her head to add to this section of hair. I then sectioned off the front third of the section and put that as well as the bang section into one elastic. (This is the first time I've used the super strength clear elastics, and they are not as strong as the brown and multicolored ones. I ended up wrapping them too many times, and several of them broke.) I then used the pony tail tool to make this clear pony tail inside out, but apparently forgot to take a picture of that. 

On the back of her head, I then sectioned off another third of her hair from the same side that was working on in the last picture. I put the middle section of her hair into a clip. With the bottom section, I put it into an elastic and turned it inside out, with the hair coming out up towards the top of her head. 

I took the front, middle, and back sections into one elastic. 

I then did the same steps on the right side of her hair. This is the completed view of the back of her hair. 

I put R&B and mousse into her curls, and then clipped a bow into each pony tail. 

 We aren't huge football fans, so she wore a cute OU Sooners jersey that her grandpa got her, and a tutu of course.

Half Up Inside Out Pony Tails

Half Up Inside Out Pony Tails

The first thing I did for this hairstyle was separate her hair into two sections. I made them both about the same size, parting her hair from one ear to the other and put each section into a clip. 

Then I took the front section out of the clip, and parted that down the middle.

 I put one of those sides into a clip. With the other half, I then took a third of the front of that section and put it into an elastic. 

I don't pull the elastic too tight because I used the inside out pony tail thing. So for this, I used the smallest one I have, and put it right through the middle of the side of her hair that is secured into the elastic, going from front to back. 

I then put the hair that is on the other side of the elastic into the loop, and then pull the opposite side, so the loop goes through the part that is secured in the elastic. 

I then took another third of the hair from that side, and added the front section to it. Put that all in one elastic. 

On the other side of her head I repeated those same steps.

I wanted to put one big bow in her hair, and when I put bows in her hair I like them to be clipped into a pony tail because they won't fall out. So I took the last third of the sections I parted and put them together. I parted them into a triangle shape. (The point of the triangle is pointing down towards her neck.)

I took that triangle section, and added the loose hair from the earlier two pony tails, and secured it all in one elastic. 

I put R&B, and mousse in all of her loose hair, and then put her bow in once I was done getting her curls looking the way I wanted, and finished with a little bit of hairspray.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


I will list all of the products I currently use on MaKyra, with a brief explination of each. I will also include a link to where you can by them (I am not associated with any of these companies)

The first step to doing her hair, is getting it wet. She takes baths at night, so in the morning her hair is dry. I use the squirt bottle and get her whole head wet. I get it damp all over, but not dripping wet.  I then apply a leave in conditioner. I use Beyond The Zone- Noodle Head Condition Your Curls. I bought this from Sally's. MaKyra's hair is about 6 inches long if I pull it straight, and I use about a quarter size amount of this. I apply it evenly throughout her hair while damp.

I then brush her hair out. Using the leave in conditioner makes it much easier, and less painful to brush through. It also helps moisturize her hair, which is one of the biggest things you need to do to prevent curly hair from going frizzy. I use a Wet Brush on her hair. I have used other paddle brushes as well, but this is my favorite. I brush her hair out by going in sections and with one hand I hold her hair at the base, right against her head. With the other hand I use the brush to brush out the ends of her hair. This makes it so I can brush out most of the tangles, and she doesn't feel anything. After I brush out all of the ends, I brush out the rest of her hair. 

Next I style her hair. If I'm going to put any of it up, I use either ORS Coconut Oil Hairdress, or Dream Kids Smooth Edges. I use these to smooth down her hair, and keep it in place. When I don't use these, the part going into the pony tail gets very frizzy. 

Out of the two, the Coconut Oil product is the one I use the most, I feel like for her hair, it works the best, but I do sometimes switch to the Smooth Edges. The Coconut Oil is kind of like a cream. The Smooth Edges is more of like a jelly, and when I use that, I can get it as smooth as I want it. However, I don't believe I'm using the Coconut Oil as it was intended. My boyfriend got it for me to re-twist his dreads with, and I didn't like the way it worked for him. So I tried it on my daughters hair and now I use it all the time. 

I section off her hair, depending on what I'm doing and before I put it into the elastic, I get a small amount of either of these products on my finger tips, put it on the part of her hair that will be flat against her head, and then comb it smooth. I comb it until there are no bumps, and it looks as smooth as I can get it. I use Amped Up teasing brush to comb her hair smooth. I think the type of bristles on this brush make her hair super smooth, and Its small so I can smooth out small sections without it catching hair from a different section.

I then use small rubber elastics in her hair. Finding the right elastics for her hair have been such a pain. All of the elastics break if I wrap them around five times, but if I only wrap them around four times, they are too loose, and don't hold her hair in place the way I want. It's been a struggle. I have found that the best elastics to use are the Proclaim Super Stretch elastics from Sally's. I can wrap them as tight as I need, and they won't break, which is amazing. The only downside is they don't come in a ton of colors. There is a pack of clear, a pack of dark brown, and a multi color pack. The multi color includes purple, pink, green, yellow, and orange. 

I always cut the elastics out of her hair, instead of just pulling them out. I found this awesome elastic cutting comb. One end has a little hook, and inside of the hook is a tiny razor blade. You put the hook under the elastic, and push it up and it cuts the elastic. I like using this better than having scissors so close to my daughters head, becasue she is way wiggly. The link I'm posting is for Amazon, I didn't actually buy mine there, I found mine at the Dollar Tree for $1.00, so I suggest to check there if you have one near you before buying it online. 

To do the inside out pony tails (I'm positive that's not what they're really called, but I don't know what else to call them) I use this tool. I will do a post later explaining how to use it, and what an "inside out pony tail" even is. But I definitely recommend getting one of these. It is so much easier than just shoving the hair through. 

After I have her hair styled the way I want, I use product on whatever of her hair is left out and curly. The first thing I use is R&B from Lush. I just started using it, and I absolutely love it! It keeps her hair so moisturized, and her curls look so much better all day long when I use it. It's a little pricey, but I use a very small amount. I just bought it for the first time about two weeks ago (I got the small size container), and I have barely made a dent in it, so it should last us quite a while. 

After I apply R&B, I apply mousse to the same parts of her hair that I applied the R&B to. My favorite mousse that I've found is Suave Flexible Control Curl Mousse. It's a lot thicker than the other mousses we've tried, and seems to hold her curls better. 

The last step is hairspray. I just recently starting using hairspray, and it is totally not necessary. Her car seat hair was just getting crazy, and the hairspray helps keep it a little bit tame. I use the same hairspray on her that I use on myself, just whatever's cheapest really, which is usually Rave. 

So that's everything that we're currently using on her hair. If you have found any products that you love, let me know! I would love to try them. Everything with her hair has just been trial and error, so be open to trying new things. You may be surprised with what works for you!

How It All Started

Almost two years ago, my daughter MaKyra was born. She was born with a lot of thick, straight, dark hair.

I was so excited thinking of all of the cute hairdo's I could do. When he hair was wet, there was a curl to it, but it would always dry straight. When she was about six months old, it stopped drying straight. I have really straight hair, and was scared to embrace he curls, and her hair looked crazy. One day my sister put mousse in her hair, and it looked so cute and from that day on, I have been looking for cute hairstyles, and hair care for her. 
The first time she had mousse in her hair

She is mixed with black and white, and has really tight curls, and I have had a really hard time finding things that will work for her hair type. So that is the purpose of me starting this blog. To put the information out there of what has worked for us, and what hairstyles turn out well (because a lot that look super cute in straight hair, just don't look as great in curly hair), in case anyone is looking for advice for curly hair like I was!

*I am not a hairstylist. Just a mom sharing our hair journey