I was so excited thinking of all of the cute hairdo's I could do. When he hair was wet, there was a curl to it, but it would always dry straight. When she was about six months old, it stopped drying straight. I have really straight hair, and was scared to embrace he curls, and her hair looked crazy. One day my sister put mousse in her hair, and it looked so cute and from that day on, I have been looking for cute hairstyles, and hair care for her.
The first time she had mousse in her hair
She is mixed with black and white, and has really tight curls, and I have had a really hard time finding things that will work for her hair type. So that is the purpose of me starting this blog. To put the information out there of what has worked for us, and what hairstyles turn out well (because a lot that look super cute in straight hair, just don't look as great in curly hair), in case anyone is looking for advice for curly hair like I was!
*I am not a hairstylist. Just a mom sharing our hair journey
cute baby!